
This script allows the generation of SQL from class models and the other way around the reverse engineering of class models from a database. As shown below the reverse engineering part is based on the SchemaSpy open source tool.


Overview of SQLScribe

Three levels of abstration are supported:

  • Data model: at this level classes are representing persistent entities. Associations and inheritance are used to model the relationhips between these entities.
  • Relational model: this level based on “SQL” profile desribe tables with stereotype classes. This level introduce the notion ok primary key and foreign keys are represented by dependencies between columns.
  • SQL Implementation: this level corresponds to the SQL implementation.

Reverse Engineering


  • from database to modelio “relational model”


Test cases

  • “library” example from SchemaSpy

  • simple atomic examples

    • one example per features, e.g.
    • two empty tables,
    • two tables with columns and keys,
    • two tables with a foreign key constraints
    • ...
  • both source file (database then .xml or just .xml) and modelio output should be built

  • other tests cases to be build

    • open source components with database (e.g. mediawiki, joomla, fusionforge, ...)
      1. reverse the database with SchemaSpy to produce a .xml
      1. test the SQLScribeRev reverse engineering tool

The following example corresponds to a (subset) of the library example:

<database name="library" type="MySQL - 5.1.35-community">
    <table name="address" numRows="9" remarks="Address details" type="TABLE">
      <column autoUpdated="true" digits="0" id="0" name="addressId"
              nullable="false" remarks="" size="10" type="INT">
        <child column="address" foreignKey="borrower_ibfk_1" implied="false"
               onDeleteCascade="false" table="borrower"/>
        <child column="address" foreignKey="library_branch_ibfk_1" implied="false"
               onDeleteCascade="false" table="library_branch"/>
        <child column="address" foreignKey="publisher_ibfk_1" implied="false"
               onDeleteCascade="false" table="publisher"/>
      <column autoUpdated="false" digits="0" id="1" name="address1"
              nullable="false" remarks="Address line 1" size="50" type="VARCHAR"/>
      <column autoUpdated="false" digits="0" id="2" name="address2"
              nullable="true" remarks="Address line 2 (optional)" size="50" type="VARCHAR"/>
      <column autoUpdated="false" digits="0" id="3" name="city"
              nullable="false" remarks="" size="30" type="VARCHAR"/>
      <column autoUpdated="false" digits="0" id="4" name="state"
              nullable="false" remarks="" size="2" type="CHAR"/>
      <column autoUpdated="false" digits="0" id="5" name="zip"
              nullable="false" remarks="Dash req'd for zip+4" size="10" type="VARCHAR"/>
      <primaryKey column="addressId" sequenceNumberInPK="1"/>
      <index name="PRIMARY" unique="true">
        <column ascending="true" name="addressId"/>
    <table name="author" numRows="9" remarks="" type="TABLE">

Relational Profile

Definition of an relational profile within the local module

SQL Forward Engineering