
This plugin allows to import a GanttProject file into modelio. Tasks and HumanRessources are made available in the model and can therefore be referenced in modelio.


The integration of GanttProject entities into modelio implies defining a “Project” profile.


Define here the list of stereotypes and tag values.


The content of GanttProject files looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="" company="" webLink="" view-date="2012-12-01"
     ... >
    <tasks empty-milestones="true">
      <task id="0" name="Architectural design" color="#99ccff"
            meeting="false" start="2012-12-24" duration="22" complete="78" expand="true">
        <task id="9" name="Create draft of architecture" color="#99ccff"
              meeting="false" start="2012-12-24" duration="10" complete="100" expand="true">
          <depend id="10" type="2" difference="0" hardness="Strong"/>
          <depend id="12" type="2" difference="0" hardness="Strong"/>
        <task id="10" name="Prepare construction documents" color="#99ccff"
              meeting="false" start="2013-01-07" duration="12" complete="60" expand="true">
          <depend id="17" type="2" difference="0" hardness="Strong"/>
      <task id="11" name="Interior design" color="#99ccff"
            meeting="false" start="2013-01-07" duration="10" complete="33" expand="true">
      <resource id="1" name="Jack House" function="Default:1"
                contacts="" phone="0044 077345456"/>
      <resource id="0" name="John Black" function="4"
                contacts="" phone="+44 0794353567"/>
      <allocation task-id="9" resource-id="1" function="Default:1"
                  responsible="false" load="50.0"/>
      <allocation task-id="1" resource-id="0" function="4"
                  responsible="false" load="100.0"/>
      <vacation start="2009-02-02" end="2009-02-09" resourceid="1"/>
    <roles roleset-name="Default"/>
        <role id="0" name="Architect"/>
        <role id="1" name="Bricklayer"/>
        <role id="2" name="Foreman"/>